The Church of the Harvest
Community gathers on Sundays
@ 10:30am.

“…we shall reap a harvest.”  Gal. 6:9

Everyone is called to serve God
 by serving others.

Discover ways to be a joyful servant for His kingdom.

Mid-week meetings

  • Tuesday Evening "Seeker" Bible Study - Will Resume in September.
  • Wednesday Morning Prayer - 6:30am
  • Second Saturday of the Month - Men's Fellowship Breakfast. - 8:00am
  • Second Thursday of the Month - 'Chat and Chew' Women's Fellowship.  - 7:00pm

Need prayer? Reach out to be added to our prayer chain.

Truth. Love. Relevance. Unity.

We are a bible-believing church located in Riverhead, NY, that follows Jesus Christ as Lord and joins God in the work he is doing in the world today.  We do this by Equipping Believers, Serving the Community & Offering Hope.

This Week

Upcoming Events

Check out the calendar for the latest happenings at Church of the Harvest

A Word from Pastor Mike 

Encouraging words from our Pastor

Weekly Devotional

God Gave

“For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life,” John 3:16
God the Father gave. He gave that which was most important to Him, His one and only Son. He gave because He loved us so much. It’s incredible when we understand the scope of God’s love for us. He gave it all! John would have us know, “How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called the children of God.” (1John 3:1). The Father wanted us to be with Him forever, so He set in place a plan to reconcile us to Himself and that plan included the sacrifice of His own Son.
Jesus gave. He gave it all. We know that Jesus had complete knowledge of His Father’s plan when He came to earth. He knew what was coming all along. He knew from the beginning that He would suffer, yet He deliberately chose to walk down that path. He willingly went to the cross so His Father’s plan could be fulfilled. He said, “…I lay down My life for the sheep…I lay down My life – only to take it up again. No one takes it from Me, but I lay it down of My own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again.” (John 10:15, 17-18). It’s amazing to think that someone would actually decide to suffer and die for me just so I could have a life with the Father. It’s hard to comprehend how Jesus could have endured the shame and the suffering of the cross and still willingly give up His life for us. “When He had received the drink, Jesus said, ‘It is finished.’ With that, He bowed His head and gave up His spirit.” (John 19:30). I’ve heard it said that it wasn’t the nails that held Jesus to the cross, but it was His love for us that held Him there.
Jesus’s blood was shed that day for the removal of our sin. That day He paid the ultimate price so that we could be reconciled to His Father. Though men, in hatred, condemned Jesus to the cross, it was actually the greatest triumph of God’s love! “God made Him Who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God.” (2Cor. 5:21). And the good news is that He didn’t stay in the grave because death had no hold over Him! He arose from the dead that glorious morning and is alive forevermore! Because Jesus went to the cross and died, because of His atoning blood, and most of all His resurrection from the dead, the power of sin has been broken and we can have forgiveness of our sins and eternal life with Him and the Father! How grateful I am that He gave! “He gave His life, how much more could He give? Oh, how He loves you, oh, how He loves me. Oh, how He loves you and me.”