The Church of the Harvest
Community gathers on Sundays
@ 10:30am.

“…we shall reap a harvest.”  Gal. 6:9

Everyone is called to serve God
 by serving others.

Discover ways to be a joyful servant for His kingdom.

Mid-week meetings

  • Tuesday Evening "Seeker" Bible Study - 7:30pm.
  • Wednesday Morning Prayer - 6:30am
  • Second Saturday of the Month - Men's Fellowship Breakfast. - 8:00am
  • Second Thursday of the Month - 'Chat and Chew' Women's Fellowship.  - 7:00pm

Need prayer? Reach out to be added to our prayer chain.

Truth. Love. Relevance. Unity.

We are a bible-believing church located in Riverhead, NY, that follows Jesus Christ as Lord and joins God in the work he is doing in the world today.  We do this by Equipping Believers, Serving the Community & Offering Hope.

This Week

Upcoming Events

Check out the calendar for the latest happenings at Church of the Harvest

A Word from Pastor Mike 

Encouraging words from our Pastor

Weekly Devotional


“Honor your father and mother, as the Lord your God has commanded you, so that you may live long, and that it may go well with you in the land the Lord your God is giving you.” Deuteronomy 5:16
I found it very interesting that the first ever Mother’s Day “celebration” was actually a Sunday service at a church. Besides all the commercialization we now see, Mother’s Day was begun as a God-honoring day. God commands us to honor our parents. We honor God as we honor our mothers. We should honor our mothers by being obedient as we are to the Lord. We should honor the sacrifices our mothers have made in raising us. How many times moms go without, so their children can survive. Moms go the extra mile without complaining. They are willing to give their lives for their children. I’m sure Mary would have gone to the cross in Jesus’ place, if she could have, to protect Him from suffering. But she couldn’t, because the Father had a greater plan, and she, herself, needed a Savior. Even on the cross Jesus thought of His mother and made provision for her. “When Jesus saw His mother there, and the disciple whom He loved standing nearby, He said to His mother, ‘Dear woman, here is your son,’ and to the disciple, ‘Here is your mother.’ From that time on, this disciple took her into his home.” (John 19:26-27). Jesus honored His mother and in so doing, honored His Father in heaven.
So today, honor your mother in thought, in prayer and in speech. Tell her how thankful you are for her. Pray for your mom, for strength and wisdom and love for all her days. Honor God, our Father, today and every day, by honoring your mother.
God took the fragrance of a flower...
The majesty of a tree...
The gentleness of morning dew...
The calm of a quiet sea...
The beauty of the twilight hour...
The soul of a starry night...
The laughter of a rippling brook...
The grace of a bird in flight...
Then God fashioned from these things
A creation like no other,
And when his masterpiece was through
He called it simply – Mother.